Smooth away facial imperfections with our high-end dermal fillers.
This treatment can reduce the appearance of fine lines, helping you to achieve the aesthetic you desire.
What are dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are injections of hyaluronic acid molecules in a gel-like matrix into the appropriate layers of the face. Fillers help contour the face, balancing out proportions and features, while restoring volume loss and smoothing out any fine lines and folds in the face that can come with age. Dermal fillers are a great way to restore a youthful, harmonious and healthy aesthetic.
Who can benefit from dermal fillers?
An initial consultation is required to determine your eligibility. If you have experienced loss of facial volume, sagging, loss of definition, or developed lines and grooves as a result of ageing, weight loss or high metabolism, fillers may be able to assist. Please consult with the practice to assess your suitability.
Will it hurt to have dermal fillers?
Your highly skilled practitioner will often apply a numbing cream to the area receiving treatment. The procedure may feel unusual and may be slightly uncomfortable, but it should not be painful. You may experience some minor swelling and discomfort following treatment which will pass in a couple of days.
How long do dermal fillers last?
Results are immediate with dermal fillers and you can expect the effects to last between 6 and 9 months.
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